All-District High School/Junior High Band Auditions & HS/JH Jazz Band Auditions
Central High School 2602 Edmond, Saint Joseph, MO, United States<!--2022 District concert band Signature sheet.docx-->
<!--2022 District concert band Signature sheet.docx-->
Express Winds Invite Express winds Concert Band Experience Here’s our schedule. Monday evening rehearsals from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. September 11 and 25 October 9 and 23 November 6. (Dress...
Elementary/Junior High NWMCDA Honor Choir Invitation Letter 2023
Hello, colleagues! Greetings from Northwest Missouri State University! I hope your year is off to a great start! As you begin the process of filling out event requests for the...
Registration prior to 8am for All-State Auditions 8:00-12:00 morning rehearsal / state auditions start at 8:30 / brief HS directors’ meeting for audition results prior to lunch 12:00-1:00 Lunch break...